Bara’ah I.*, (Palestine): “I am not the same person, that I was when I came here. I feel that I became different.”, 2023
Bara’ah I. is 20 years old and comes from Yafa an-Naseriyye, an Arab town in Israel near Nazareth. The Palestinian with Israeli citizenship moved to Tel Aviv to study sociology, anthropology and communication sciences. She spoke to Ilona Stahl...

Ella F.D., (Israel): “This is not my narrative. My narrative is the way I experienced the whole day.”, 2023
Ella F. D. came to Israel from Azerbaijan with her mother as a small child. She describes her childhood and her relationship with her mother as not really good; she has always been a bit different – an outsider....

Noa M*, (Israel): “I am working for a future, where our granddaughters will be best friends, because her grandmothers are so cool”, 2022
Noa M.* (29) lives in Haifa, Israel. She is studying philosophy and cognitive science there. She mainly works, partly on a voluntary basis, in social and community projects and initiatives. In this interview, she talks about her family history,...

Karim A*,(Palestine): „There is nobody to defend our rights, 2023
The situation in the West Bank continued to deteriorate in 2022. Karim A.*, Palestinian coordinator of the partner organisation Seekers*, spoke to Katharina Ochsendorf in January 2023 about the developments of the past year, the current situation in the...

Political situation in Serbia: „We expect profound political changes“
For our yearly report of 2021, one of our partners wrote this text on the political situation in Serbia. Her hopes for the general elections didn’t come true, making her text more relevant than ever. (Text: Jasmina Borić) We...

Palestine: Different than planned – emotional care work as activism
The follow-up weekend was originally planned as a binational meeting – a joint long weekend for all participants of the women*seminar 2019. Then the political situation changed and due to the riots between Israelis and Palestinians inside Israel and...

Support across borders – stories about people helping each other during the wars: part 4
During the peace camp in Medena in the summer of 2021, a collection of stories was compiled about people who stood up to nationalism, enmity and hatred both during the wars in the former Yugoslavia and also nowadays, and...

Support across borders – stories about people helping each other during the wars: part 3
During the peace camp in Medena in the summer of 2021, a collection of stories was compiled about people who stood up to nationalism, enmity and hatred both during the wars in the former Yugoslavia and also nowadays, and...

Support across borders – stories about people helping each other during the wars: part 2
During the peace camp in Medena in the summer of 2021, a collection of stories was compiled about people who stood up to nationalism, enmity and hatred both during the wars in the former Yugoslavia and also nowadays, and...

Support across borders – stories about people helping each other during the wars: part 1
During the peace camp in Medena in the summer of 2021, a collection of stories was compiled about people who stood up to nationalism, enmity and hatred both during the wars in the former Yugoslavia and also nowadays, and...

Dialogue work after military escalation: „I knew, we must continue“, 2021
After the military escalation in Palestine and Israel in the past weeks, two of our partners shared their thoughts and feelings with us. Extracts from their sharings along with a report about the political situation in Israel and Palestine...

After military escalation: „The psychological impact is far greater than the damage to human life and property“, 2021
The tense political situation in Palestine and Israel has again escalated militarily in recent weeks; despite the „ceasefire“, the military confrontations do not seem to be over yet. Leah R.* (name changed), Israeli coordinator of the partner organization working...

Mira K.* (Palestine): „Justice, to me, means equality, Human Rights and a good life for everyone“, 2021
Mira K. from Palestine attended the Women*s Seminar in 2019. Shortly before, she quit her job and following the seminar she went to Belfast to do a postgraduate program in Counselling and Health Communication. Upon her return, she spoke...

David R.* (Israel): „The seminar in Walberberg has encouraged me to enter a new phase of my life“, 2021
David R.* participated in the Allgenders Seminar in 2019. At the time, he talked about his time in the Army, his experiences at the seminar, and his plan to completely cut all ties with the Army and refuse reserve...

Shir B. (Israel): „I’m convinced that we can learn a lot from what happens in the Women’s* seminar“, 2021
Shir B. graduated from the master’s program „Conflict Transformation and Social Justice“ in Belfast in 2020. She wrote her master’s thesis about the Palestinian-Israeli Dialogue Seminar for Women*, which she coordinates. In an interview with Katharina Ochsendorf, she shares...

Samira P. (Palestine): „Peace does not need courage. What we need is courage for truth and courage for justice“, 2021
Samira P.*, 28 years old, was born and raised in Jenin. She recently finished her studies and now lives in another city, far away from her family. In the summer of 2019, she participated in the Allgenders seminar for...

Vanja N. (Croatia): Overcoming distance, 2021
Again and again, participants of our Peace Camps in the former Yugoslavia write that they found friends there that they would never forget. Vanja Nedic tells the story of Emina, Johnny, Nicola, Semir and herself; they met in 2007...

Viewing political reality in its complexity
(Text: Tessa Pariyar) In the summer of 2019, together with the coordinators of the Palestinian-Israeli Women’s* seminar, we came up with the idea of a Speakerstour through Germany, where project staff from Israel and Palestine would present their work...

Teodora B. (Serbia): „One great community with one goal, to bring peace to the world“, 2021
„YU-Peace is for me a big step towards a better world. One great community with one goal, to bring peace to the world. We go step by step, because that is the only way to reach the goal, we...

Nedeljka R. (Croatia): „At that camp I became a different person, stronger, more stable, more secure“, 2021
„It all started on an ordinary day. The phone rang and someone asked, „Would you like to go to a peace camp?“ I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but I said yes and a great adventure began. At...

Maida A. (Bosnia-Herzegovina): „The relationships that are built through YU-Peace always remain strong bonds“, 2021
„I’m not quite sure how to describe what YU-Peace has brought to my life. In so many different ways, it has changed things from the ground for me. The first activity I was a part of was a weekend...

Uroš A. (Croatia): „For us, Peace is not a hobby, it is a way of life“, 2021
„It is very difficult to leave emotions on paper, especially those that are long-lasting, those that are silent deep inside you and they come out bit by bit, and you are not even sure which one you would rather...

Amra A. (Bosnia-Herzegovina): „YU-Peace encouraged me to work on myself“, 2021
„YU-Peace helped me through various activities, workshops and socializing to primarily build myself as a person, and to develop both leadership and team spirit. YU-Peace encouraged me to work on myself, to show my creativity, imagination and strength, things...

Marija C. (Bosnia-Herzegovina): „During this time, we become one family“, 2021
„YU-Peace is a beautiful story of which I became part of in 2019, and I still feel the same emotions I felt the first day. It is a special, positive story, very important for us young people, which teaches...

Dragana M. (Serbia): „I want for these crazy times to pass as soon as possible“, 2021
Why and how much I miss YU-Peace? „This year, most of the time, I missed my friends from YU-Peace, I missed us hanging out, our talks, our hugs, and the fact that together we promote peace. I miss YU-Peace...

New, old partners 2021: „Not giving up the hope for an end to occupation“
In our Annual Report 2019, we already published a detailed article on the exciting follow-up work of the partner organization with whom we organized the Allgenders seminar in 2018. After staying in regular contact, we decided to enter into...

Vesna T. (Croatia): „Together we can do more and better“, 2021
Why I miss YU-Peace? „Locked up in the house because of all this chaos happening around us, I had the opportunity to think about the past, better days. My summer 2019 was marked by the participation in the well-known...

Lejla S. (Bosnia-Herzegovina): „A place where I got to meet a lot of amazing, special people“, 2021
What does the cross boarder network Youth United in Peace (YU-Peace) mean to me? What do I miss? During the last months we received a lot of feedback on these questions. Within the next weeks, we will publish the...

Dina G.: „It is inspiring to see how these women continue to engage in socio-political activities together“, 2020
(Text: Dina G.) The past few months were very troubling and intense on the socio-political level in Israel. Covid 19 had not only affected the public health and financial situation but also vastly highlighted the inequality between different groups...

Jelena S.: „In these times the strength of YU-Peace became particularly visible“, 2020
Jelena Stulic is a long-standing member of YU-Peace and co-founder of LINK, our partner organization in Sombor. In the beginning of September she spoke with Katharina Ochsendorf about the current situation and the work of YU-Peace under Corona conditions....

Vlasta Markovic (Bosnia-Herzegovina): A trip to Sombor in times of Corona, 2020
The members of the Youth United in Peace Network stay in close contact through their Facebook groups and other social networks throughout the Corona period. Again and again they plan to meet each other also in real life, but...

Tara B.* (Palestine): „I don’t care if I will spend my whole life trying to make this change“, 2019
Tara B.*: The seminar was one of the greatest experiences for me – I’m not exaggerating – the seminar was very important for me. I was discussing it with my coordinator the other day: I think before the...

Almina S. (Bosnia-Herzegovina): „Everything we do motivates us to do even more“, 2019
Almina Šehić is a member of YU-Peace and coordinator of the Youth Center in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, the local partner organization of Vacation From War. In 2019, the “camp”, the organization of which rotates annually between the five partner cities...

Sonja A. (Serbia/Bosnia-Herzegovina): „My small world suddenly amplified“, 2019
This is the third time I have started this letter and as they say, the third time is supposed to bring good luck. I would like to thank you very much because you gave me the opportunity to be...

Hena T. (Bosnia-Herzegovina): „I have found a way to fight for a better tomorrow“, 2019
Hena Trutovic is the daughter of our regional coordinator Alma Dzinic-Trutovic. She has been participating in the encounters ever since she was three years old. She was always enthusiastic about helping everywhere: delivering messages, getting things out of the...

David R.* (Israel): „There is no ‚humane‘ way of invading a families‘ home at 3 a.m.“
David R.* is 33 years old and grew up in the fourth generation in a Kibbutz near Haifa. He describes his family’s political stance as humanist-liberal-left and went to demonstrations with his parents as a child. Peace and equality...

Yitzchak M. (Israel): „Everybody talks about peace, but noone speaks of empathy“, 2019
Yitzchak M. wrote this text two weeks after the Allgenders-seminar and published it on Facebook. He explicitly asked us to publish the it under his real name. Exactly one month ago today, I flew off to Cologne in Germany...

Noah A.* (Israel) and Ahlam D.* (Palestine): “My hair is not immodest”, 2019
In the “Open Space”, participants of the dialogue seminars themselves have the chance to organize workshops on topics that are important to them. Ahlam D. * and Noah A. *, a Palestinian and an Israeli participant, jointly organized a...

Marja Q. (Gaza Strip): „Everyone was shocked that this is a real situation“, 2019
Attempts to invite participants from the Gaza Strip to the seminars have regularly failed in the history of the project: People were not given a travel permit or were too afraid of repression. In 2019, for the first time...

Uros A. (Croatia): „To my country“, 2018
Uros Antic took part in the Peace Camp in Split 2018 and is involved in our partner organization in Vukovar and at YU-Peace. Outraged by the nationalist propaganda on the occasion of the annual commemoration day for Croatian fighters...

Yoav R.*: A theatrical gleaning of experiences from an existential journey, 2018
It was at the climax of our Israeli-Palestinian seminar: in the heart of the debates, the disagreements, the long nights of conversation, the long days of inhaling and exhaling. The evening before that moment, Alma Dzinic-Trutovic gave a lecture...

Maja from Croatia (2017)
I came to Basko Polje without a lot of expectations. I thought I would meet people who do not share my interests and my taste in music, and there would be food I don’t like. Oh man, was I...

Dina Jurcic, Serbia (2016)
A network and its faces “I’ll never forget that experience in my life”: this is the comment we most often hear from participants in our encounters. It always makes us happy to see how often this comes true. In...

Under the shadow of the Jasmin tree – Ahmed* from Palestine shares his reflections on the seminar, 2010
Under the shadow of the jasmine tree** My name is Ahmed* (name changed), I am 26 years old and I am currently doing my internship as a physician in a Palestinian hospital. My life so far has been full...

Palestine and Israel – local initiatives: „That’s the change I was looking for“, 2019
(Text: Tessa Pariyar) In the last days of the Allgenders Seminar 2018, the group which had engaged in the dialogue about the conflict and the occupation through theater methods came up with the idea of continuing to work with...