Autumn Bulletin 2024
Dear supporters,“Speak Up” looks back on a summer that was characterised by the desire to talk to each other, by deep solidarity and joint action, but also accompanied by war and violence, especially for our partners in Israel and Palestine. On September 21st, the International Day of Peace, partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and […]

Summer Bulletin 2024
It’s summer and, as always, the time has come for the big dialogues and encounters. Although our partners organize activities throughout the whole year, the biggest dialogue seminars and Youth encounters continue to take place between June and September.Just like last year, the “Continental Camp” in the Balkans, which alternates between the different partner cities, […]

Spring Bulletin – Call for Donations 2024
Dear supporters,In our 30th anniversary year, we are dismayed seeing one of our project regions at war. The unprecedented escalation in Israel and Palestine marks a break for our work.In our Special Bulletin in November 2023, we hoped in vain for an early end to the war. The terrorist attack by Hamas and the subsequent […]

Special Bulletin on the war in Palestine and Israel
This year’s dialogue seminar for Israeli and Palestinian women took place just a few months ago. When we said goodbye to these impressive women after two challenging weeks, we had no idea that the region would experience such a brutal political break. We are deeply shocked and appalled by the Hamas attack on Israeli civilians. […]

Autumn Bulletin 2023
Dear supporters, we are glad to look back on an eventful summer full of intense and exciting dialogue encounters. As we write these lines, this year’s peace camp in Seget Donji on the Croatian Adriatic coast is just coming to an end. There, 70 teenagers and young adults from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia […]

Summer Bulletin 2023
Dear supporters,summer is here and with it this year’s major dialogue seminars and peace camps of the project. Participants have been selected in both project regions and first preparatory meetings have taken place – preparations are in full swing.In the Balkans, the one-week camp for activists of the Youth United in Peace (YU-Peace) network is […]

Spring Bulletin – Call for Donations 2023
Dear supporters,for almost three months now, hundreds of thousands of people in Israel have been taking to the streets against a “judicial reform”, which for them is less of a reform and more an undermining of the separation of state powers and an attack on democracy. For left-wing activists, demands of protesters often do not […]

Autumn Bulletin 2022
Dear supporters, after two years of restrictions to our work induced by the pandemic, we are all the more pleased that this year, finally numerous cross-border workshops, seminars and camps could take place. Vacation From War has survived the peak of the pandemic – we owe this to the creativity and flexibility of our partners, […]

Summer Bulletin 2022
“This project has now existed for almost thirty years. We owe this to the tireless work of our partners and the loyal support of our donors”, Brigitte Klaß said in her introductory statement to the presentation on Vacation From War. In mid-June, after many postponements, the official award ceremony of the “Sievershäuser Encouragement”, the peace […]

Spring Bulletin – Call for Donations 2022
Dear supporters,For more than a month now, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has kept us on tenterhooks. We are shocked by the developments not only in Russia and Ukraine, we are also deeply concernedabout the political reactions in Germany and other countries. The war already leads to consequences for security policy that could […]