Our Summer Bulletin is out now!

Dear supporters, apart from our Spring Bulletin and the Autumn Bulletin, from this year onwards, we present to you a thrid Bulletin – every summer from now on. In this issue, our partners share their experiences with organizing activites...

Viewing political reality in its complexity

(Text: Tessa Pariyar) In the summer of 2019, together with the coordinators of the Palestinian-Israeli Women’s* seminar, we came up with the idea of a Speakerstour through Germany, where project staff from Israel and Palestine would present their work...

Out now: Spring Bulletin 2021!

Our Spring Bulletin ist out now! For the project Vacation From War, the pandemic poses a major challenge: not only do travel restrictions and Corona protection measures prohibit large scale group encounters and also make their implementation hardly responsible,...

Thank you and a happy new Year!

  Dear all, thank you so much for following our project and the digital advent calender this year! We close 2020 with one last voice from a participant of one of our Dialogue Seminars for young women* from Israel...

21st door: Giving energies

„Between protest and despair“ describes the range of what many people in the countries of the former Yugoslavia feel about their (political) situation. The anger and disappointment of the people is reflected in the demonstrations that flare up again...