Dear sponsors and supporters,
as we write this bulletin, the media once again reports of air strikes and rocket fire in Gaza and clashes at the Gaza border in which a youngster was killed. Scopes of action for activists who campaign for dialogue in Israel and Palestine are diminishing. On both sides they are publicly defamed as “traitors” – increasingly also by the state – and exposed to harsh hostilities. „Between protest and desperation“ properly summarizes the range of what many people in the countries of the former Yugoslavia feel about the situation there. Their anger and disappointment is evident in the ongoing demonstrations against abuse of power and corruption, and for an end to political arbitrariness. Many of our staff members are strengthened by their commitment to YU-Peace and the possibilities of countering nationalist propaganda and practically contributing to positive change in their countries it provides. Being part of YU-Peace encourages them to keep going despite the difficult situation. This shows how important our work in the former Yugoslavia still – and especially right now – is, even if the wars ended a long time ago. Vacation from War continues! Despite shrinking scopes of action, our partners take the space they need to turn back the spiral of violence and hateful agitation through encounters and dialogue with the „Others“. For this, they need our as well as your support, also financially. Because: Vacation from War is funded through private donations, which secures our political independence.
Please support our Peace Work with your Donation!