After the dialogue seminar for women* from Israel and Palestine last summer, two follow-up meetings of the Israeli group have taken place. Both meetings were very well received. Already during the first meeting, which was mainly about reflecting on the seminar in Germany with some distance and following up on participants after their return and confrontation with the reality at home, participants began to plan further activities. The second time, the group arranged to go on a tour to Lifta, led by Saida* (name changed) from the Palestinian group. The focus was not only on the history of the mostly destroyed Palestinian village, but also on the experiences of Saida’s parents, who both grew up in Lifta. The fact that visiting the place allows to see both history and present of the occupation and the conflict and its effects with one’s own eyes impressed the participants. After the tour, all came together for dinner at the home of two women* from the group to plan the next action: a weekend seminar focusing on different forms of activism.