For the bereaved, the death of a loved one is a painful loss. Nevertheless, relatives often feel a need to not „freeze“ in their grief, but to also think of other people. Many people ask to make a charitable donation instead of buying flowers. This selfless choice is often a reflection of their loved one’s interests to support initiatives for a more just and peaceful world.
Instead of flowers and wreaths – donate in memory
If you want to ask for a funeral collection in memory of a loved one, we suggest to point this out in the funeral announcement.
This could be done e.g. in this way:
„Instead of flowers, we would like to ask for a donation to the project “Speak up„, IBAN DE34 5086 3513 0008 0130 55, BIC GENODE51MIC, Keyword: In memory of [first name/last name]. “
Please let us know the name of your loved one, the day of the funeral ceremony and the keyword, so that we are able to clearly assign the donations received.
If you wish, we will send you a list with the names of the donors and the total amount donated. Please note that for privacy reasons we cannot disclose individual amounts donated.