How is my donation used?
Your donation is used to realize our grassroots peace work in Israel and Palestine and in the countries of the former Yugoslavia. With your donation, you make sure that dialogues and encounters between young people continue to take place in these regions, thereby helping youngsters and young adults to change their perspective and learn to see the alleged „enemies“ as human beings again, but also critically question power structures and the political and social reality in their own societies. Without the financial and ideational support of numerous private donors, our work could not be realized.
Which costs are covered with my donation?
Your donation benefits the overall work of the project. More specifically, this means your donation helps to cover the costs for the dialogue seminars for young people from Israel and Palestine in Germany and encounters of young people in the former Yugoslavia (e.g. accommodation, food, travel and insurance costs for participants, costs for workshop materials, fees for facilitators and translators). In the regions, there are preparatory meetings and follow-up activities or follow-up meetings. Further, your donation will be used to finance Public Relations and networking of the project (for example, printing leaflets and annual reports, calls for donations, maintaining the homepage, etc.) and the necessary administrative costs (office supplies and equipment, office rental, etc.). Moreover, salary costs of the two part-time coordinators (67%-positions) are also financed through your donations. The work of the paid staff includes both direct project work as well as public relations, networking, fundraising and administrative work. Since Speak up is a rather small project, which in addition to paid staff is largely supported by volunteers, it is difficult to prorate the salary costs to the respective working fields in percentages. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Are donations to Speak up tax-deductible?
Speak up is a project run by the Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy – a registered non-profit organisation. Therefore, your donation to the project is tax deductible. Please let us know your address – preferably directly while donating under „purpose of transfer“ in you bank transfer. In January of the following year we will then send you a donation receipt.
When do I receive my donation receipt?
You will automatically receive your donation receipt in January of the following year. Please let us know your address – preferably directly while donating under „purpose of transfer“. If you need a donation receipt immediately, please let us know and we will send you a receipt as soon as possible.
How can I donate?
You can donate directly online – either as a one-off donation or on a regular basis using SEPA direct debit. On our homepage, we also offer the possibility to donate via online bank transfer, credit card or Paypal. Of course, you can also transfer your donation from your account to our donation account (see right side) using your own banking system or the good, old paper transfer form.
Is it possible to revoke SEPA direct debit any time?
You can revoke your SEPA direct debit at any time without prior notice and without justification. The only thing you have to do is to send an email or a letter to our address (see right side) or to call us.
I do not live in Germany: How can I donate from abroad?
There are different ways to donate from abroad. Currently, you can donate via credit card, Paypal, SEPA direct debit or by online transfer using the donation form on our website. Depending on whether you are based inside or outside the European Union, certain types of payment might be more favorable. Generally, we recommend donations via paypal or credit card from non-European countries, while within the EU, bank transfer or SEPA direct debit are cheaper. If you are not sure about the banking charges, please check with your bank.
Transfer from European countries
If you transfer money within the EU using an international bank account number (IBAN) and the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) or SWIFT code, since 1.7.2003, you will pay the same banking fees you pay for a bank transfer within your own country. A donation may currently amount to a maximum of 12,500 Euro. Please also read our privacy policy.
IBAN and SWIFT/BIC of our donation account
IBAN: DE34 5086 3513 0008 0130 55
Of course you can also send us your donation using financial service companies such as Transferwise, Western Union, Money Gram etc. If you wish to donate through these services, please contact us for further details.
How can I change my contact details (address / name)?
For changes in your data, e.g. your address or name, please send us an email, send us a letter (for the address, see right side) or give us a call.
Is it safe to use the online donation form?
In order to protect your data against unauthorized access of third parties during the process of online donation, all your data you will send to us via the online form is SSL-encrypted. In addition, your data will not be disclosed to third parties. Please also read our privacy policy.
Is my data safe?
For issuing a donation receipt, it is necessary to electronically store and process your contact information. Only authorized employees have access to this data. In compliance with legal retention periods in Germany, your data will be stored for a period of 10 years. We guarantee that your data will not be passed to third parties. For detailed information, please have a look at our privacy policy.
We also use your data to inform you regularly about the activities of the project (around 2-3 times a year). Of course, you can to revoke the use of your data for this purpose at any time. To revoke the use of your data, please contact us.