Celebrate and Donate
Are you celebrating an anniversary, your birthday, a wedding or any other special occasion? Ask your guests for a donation for Speak up instead of gifts.
Ask for donations instead of gifts!
If you ask for donations instead of gifts, you can support us twice: By enabling our work through your donation and at the same time by telling your friends, colleagues and relatives about Speak up, thus making sure our project becomes better known. We gladly send you information material (in print or digitally) that you can forward to your guests along with the invitation to your special occasion. Please contact us using the contact form, send us an email or call us.
You can organize your fundraiser in two ways:
1. Your guests donate via bank transfer
Telling your guests already in the invitation that you are asking for donations instead of gifts is a good idea. We ask you to choose an appropriate keyword, e.g. „Sarah´s birthday“ which your guests should use when transferring the donation to our bank account (see below). If your guests wish to receive a donation receipt, we further request them to mention their full address under “purpose of transfer”. Your guests will automatically receive a donation receipt in january of the following year. If you would like to know how much money was raised through your fundraiser, please let us know along with your chosen keyword and date of your celebration. After your celebration, we will send you a list with the names of your donors as well as the total amount donated. Please note that for privacy reasons we are not allowed to disclose individual amounts.
2. Collect cash in a donation box at your celebration and then transfer the raised amount
Also in this case, we suggest to tell your guests in advance about your „donations in celebration“- fundraiser along with the purpose of the donation. We gladly send you information flyers or our yearly reports, which you can display at your party next to the donation box. After your celebration, please transfer the raised amount using a keyword, such as „anniversary Liz and David“ to the following account:
IBAN DE34 5086 3513 0008 0130 55
Give a charity gift
With your charity gift you enable the work of our partners from Israel and Palestine and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Please contact us and then transfer the amount you wish to give with the subject line „charity gift“. We will send you a personalized gift card for the recipient along with project information.