The opportunity to discuss political issues such as nationalism, discrimination, prejudice and gender, to talk openly about the past wars and their effects on todays‘ society, and to ask questions is highly valued by the young participants of the encounters and peace camps. Apart from that, the friendships that develop during the meetings and continue across borders are an important part of what connects the activists of the YU-Peace network.
Lamija Redžepagić explains in this video clip what YU-Peace means to her.
“My name is Lamija and I am a member of Youth United in Peace organization here in Tuzla in Bosnia-Herzegovina for 3 years now. For me, Youth United in Peace is kind of family. In YU-Peace are my friends and my heart is there, too. All our activities in YU-Peace made me learn something new about peace, about love, reconciliation and breaking the prejudice. For me YU-Peace means spending time with different people, in a beautiful way. In the same time, YU-Peace became in some years not just part, but a way of my life.”